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Case studies and interviews show that people receiving care and support are often reluctant to a raise a concern, worrying that they may be viewed as someone that wants to cause trouble or that carers may hold it against them which could, they feel, result in the care being disrupted, declining or ceasing altogether.

Integrationale Care Services want to ensure everybody we support receive ongoing, quality care that exceeds expectations, but understand that that there may be room for improvement too. Should you feel the care you receive could be better but are uneasy about coming forward, please use our online feedback facility. We guarantee this facility is completely anonymous, giving you the opportunity to feedback without feeling you’d in anyway be held responsible.

Although we welcome and handle all suggestions with professionalism and in line with policy, we wanted to include this online process to reassure the people we support, their friends and family that each individual has a voice, that their thoughts and feelings come first and any and all issues are heard, treated with respect, honesty and a willingness to improve. All public and private feedback is handled in line with policy.


Please ensure any anonymous feedback left is written in a way to make it difficult for you to be identified.

Thanks for sharing! We always strive to improve.

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